End of Year Recap - Infernus from Gorgoroth

Did you have any ‘Spinal Tap’ moments this year?
You bet. But we have a saying here - "what happens on the bus, stays on the bus"...
What were some of your favorite releases from 2010?
Pfh! Only heard one which I liked. Wrong guy to ask.
New Year’s resolution?
Try not falling for the constant temptations of suing the rest of the scene, perhaps? Generally speaking I will try to redirect more time and energy to be spent on musical projects, that being either live activity, writing or studio activity.
Most memorable metal news item of 2010?
Have no idea. Am not sure whether we live on the same planet. I am as usual not much up to date at all on such issues.
Plans for the holidays?
Yes, Gorgoroth will be touring Europe, together with Belphegor and Impiety on a tour called "Blackfest Over X-Mass 2010".
What’s on your ipod?
What's that?
If you could bring back one musician from the grave for a day, who and why?
It would of course be the ex-drummer. To ask him about his opinions on the re-recording of "Under the Sign of Hell" that we're working on these days.
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Tags: Gorgoroth, Infernus, Candlelight Records, end of year
Jason Fisher December 31, 2010
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