heavy metal

PROPHETS OF THE APOCALYPSE Deliver On The ‘Threshold Of War’

PROPHETS OF THE APOCALYPSE US Thrash Metal project Prophets Of The Apocalypse invade your lands once again with their full length album entitled, Threshold Of War released worldwide via Sliptrick Records on December 17th 2019. The album depicts the desolate vision of ancient wars, and the darkness of human conflict, while narrating all of the brutality and bloodiness of battle. Prophets Of The Apocalypse consistently unleash their ferocious music, blending Blackened Thrash with Old School Death Metal. A vigorous onslaught of drums guides your extreme expedition, intertwining vehement vocals, technical bass madness, and Pete Serro’s blitzkrieg of guitar wizardry!
Track by track
The intro track, Ashes, sets the album’s tone of utter devastation. Building with a crescendo of hate, Ashes chronicles a vengeful army literally burning everything in it’s path! “Ashes pierce the heavens, fire lights the sky…” Prophets Of The Apocalypse scream their battle cry and are ready for a Metal invasion.

Maze Of Doom, the album’s second track, is a twisted saga of a guard leading an evil queen through a seemingly endless labyrinth of castle halls. Pete Serro’s lyrics paint a descriptive picture in the vein of an Edgar Allan Poe short story. The guard’s madness eventually takes over his mind in conjunction with a swirling guitar fury.

Burn The Dead, envisions Barbarians clashing on the battlefield, in rivers of blood. The bodies of the dead, piled high & burning once the siege is over. Old School Thrash & Death Metal chant the chorus, Burn The Dead!

Shield Maiden, the album’s shortest song, vibes with technical, Old School Death Metal. Shield Maiden pays tribute to the Valkyrie & other female warriors who blaze their paths of destruction, melded with brutal riffs & melodic guitars.

Trophies Of War creeps in slowly, evolving into pure Black Metal chaos. Maybe the darkest song on Threshold Of War, Trophies Of War deals with inner battles including pain, loneliness, and the passing of time. This song escalates into blistering technical mayhem.

The Threshold Of War journey continues with the song Dead Winter Night. Thrash meets Melodic Death Metal and technical riffing. The lyrics depict an army battling the frozen winter night as they try to stay alive and invade their enemy.

Hierarchy Of Terror portrays a wicked ruler, espionage, and the horrors within the castle walls. Prophets Of The Apocalypse meld their unique style of Black Metal and Thrash accompanying furious drums and psychotic guitars.

Ancient Wars is the only instrumental song on the Threshold Of War album. Prophets The Apocalypse illustrate their Old School Death Metal roots along with their technical prowess.

Clouds thunder, as War Gods laugh… Prophets Of The Apocalypse strike again with their bloody depiction of medieval battle in the song, Never Retreat, Never Surrender. Thrash and Death Metal unite to spin another tale of war and strife.

Crush Thy Enemy is an epic anthem of war from the Threshold Of War album. Prophets Of The Apocalypse call upon their legions of warriors to rise up and destroy their foe metaphorically, if not physically. Pete Serro’s guitar solos are haunting, and the bass breakdown will slay your soul.

Skye Ablaze sketches an epic battle along the shores of a town under invasion. Choking up blood with smoke filled eyes, surrounded with fire and the frenzy of combat. Prophets Of The Apocalypse assault of guitars will overrun your village, while the unyielding drums of war will beat you into defeat.

Threshold Of War | Released on December 17th, 2019 on Sliptrick Records

Track Listing:
01. Ashes | 02. Maze Of Doom | 03. Burn The Dead | 04. Shield Maiden | 05. Trophies Of War | 06. Dead Winter Night | 07. Hierarchy Of Terror | 08. Ancient Wars | 09. Never Retreat, Never Surrender | 10. Crush Thy Enemy | 11. Skye Ablaze

Prophets Of The Apocalypse is:
Pete Serro – Vocals/Guitar/Bass/Drum Programming

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Tags:  PROPHETS OF THE APOCALYPSENew AlbumHeavy MetalThrash Metal 

    December 04, 2019

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