heavy metal

Red I Flight Bio

Red I Flight
Band members
Josh Robinson - Vocals Eric Gerloff - Guitar Matt Earp - Guitar Mike Polec - Bass Jesse Robinson - Drums


Red I Flight is in it for the long haul. That’s why, when building the blueprints for their Victory Records debut, The Years, they pulled out all the stops.

First, they whittled the track list to 10 precise, elite songs that gave no space for fillers. These raging tracks, full of guttural vocals and implausible breakdowns a la Killswitch Engage and As I Lay Dying, were the best of the best – no need for the band to bother with mediocrity when designing their tour de force.

This was done with the help of producer Jamie King, whose own series of blinding creativity has produced gutsy albums from Between the Buried and Me, Secret Lives of the Freemasons and He Is Legend. Under King’s golden touch, Red I Flight was able to create the debut they had been waiting for since their years as Michigan’s resident metal demons.

Which lead Red I Flight to the final step in their conception of a long-withstanding album – the name. Held together by their roots and the road they’d traveled to become a signed band, it was titled The Years, an ode to the time it took to get where they currently stand.

The band’s unique moniker also sprouted from their symbolic tendencies. The name was lifted off of the song “Red Eye Flight” by Candiria, a band favorite, and the “eye” was replaced with “I” to have a greater meaning. And with a trusted lineup in the shape of family – brothers Jesse (drums) and Josh Robinson (vocals) – and friends (Mike Polec on bass and Eric Gerloff and Matt Earp on guitar), they knew they had found the most passionate and ambitious group of members that they could go with to the next level.

If all of this sounds very profound and philosophical for a metal/hardcore band, it’s just Red I Flight’s way of staking their deserved place out in the musical landscape. In the hands of these detailed musicians, the powerful guitar work and melodic counterparts are of a different breed. Red I Flight aren’t out to be a carbon copy of the other bands in their genres – they have more to them than what meets the “I.” This is a band with the whole package: driven, talented and prepared for a vital and promising future.

So now, with a solid release under their belt and months of non-stop touring ahead, it sounds like this is one game plan that sees no end in sight.

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