heavy metal

Troll/folk metal band Verikalpa to release debut album!

Verikalpa Verikalpa signs with Inverse Records, the debut album 'Taistelutahto' is released February 16th 2018. The first single 'Pahan Laulu' is available as a lyric video and can be viewed here.

Listen to the single on:
Spotify: HERE.
Deezer: HERE.
Tidal: HERE.
Google Play: HERE.

Verikalpa is a Troll/Beer-metal band from the Northern city of Oulu in Finland. They combine groovy riffs and rhythms with twisted folk melodies with a very Finnish touch. The lyrics are in Finnish and more specifically in the accent of Oulu. The songs are tales about drinking, hangovers, trolls and of course bloodspattered eternal battles. Verikalpa is formed by six musicians from bands such as CATAMENIA and QUAKE THE EARTH and this experienced group of musicians deliver their music with a firm touch and with an energetic live show.

Verikalpa has been in existence for many years but they decided to take their time in polishing their musical atmosphere and concept so that the band was truly ready to hit the stages and recording studios with a complete product. Taistelutahto was thus recorded in the SURF-SOUND studio in Oulu with the mastermind Janne Huotari who whipped out all that the guys had to give. After pouring everything they had to the album it was finally mastered by Svante Forsbäck of CHARTMAKERS and so Taistelutahto (Battlewill) was born.

Verikalpa has concentrated in composing, rehearsing and recording for the past six months but they are no strangers to the stages of Finland. For example they played a very successful show with PRIMORDIAL in Helsinki. The guys received a lot of good feedback by the metal medias and audiences and this gave them a foothold in the music-scene of Finland.

Taistelutahto track list:
01. Viimiseen asti
02. Tyrmä
03. Neidonryöstäjä
04. Kuoppajaiset
05. Pahan Laulu
06. Verijuhula
07. Taistelutahto
08. Viinapiru
09. Kuoleman Suo
10. Rautatammi

Vocals - Jani Ikonen
Bass - Sami Knuutinen
Keys - Jussi Sauvola
Guitars - Jussi Heikkilä
Guitars - Janne Niva
Drums - Aleksi Heiskanen

Facebook: HERE.
Instagram: HERE.
Twitter: HERE.
Youtube: HERE.

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Tags:  VerikalpaTaistelutahtoPahan LauluTroll MetalFolk Metal

    December 03, 2017

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