AKEPHALOS's "Headless Demon Angel" Is Out Now

Brandon Boling considers Akephalos to be his main sound and atmosphere out of all of the projects he is in. Akephalos has released its first Full-Length Album; Headless Demon Angel soon to be released under the Immortal Souls Productions label.
Band’s awakening comes in 2015 when the formation starts playing once again. The mastermind and creator of the band Braňo completes new lineup and formation is for a time joined by Jozef Depress Nitrianský and he is later replaced by Elevo, who left Depresy. Band in its final form records “Resurrection” that comes after 20 years full of old school rotten tissue, true procedures and face ripping growls fans had to wait for almost two decades.
Brandon Boling- Vox, Lead Guitars,
Rhythm Guitars, Songwriter
and Music Engineer/Producer!
Adina Blase - Bass and Backing Vox
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Tags: Akephalos, Headless Demon Angel, Brutal Death Metal
Metal Mouth December 02, 2017
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