Megadeth Bass Player Says Scorpions Tour “Is a Really Good Fit”

"It is really a cool bill to play with SCORPIONS. A promoter friend in Arizona brought the idea to us, and right away it seemed like a great idea. We have played festivals with them over the years and it's a really good fit musically between the two bands and our fans. Plus I think every metal fan loves a SCORPIONS song. Dave [Mustaine, MEGADETH mainman] and I have always been fans and they are one of Kiko's [Loureiro, MEGADETH guitarist] favorites, too. They are a real guitar player's kind of band. In fact, when Dave and I first met in 1983, we had a friend who was attending the school Musicians Institute in Hollywood and would come over to our place and jam early SCORPIONS songs. We always studied a lot of the European guitar players, because they had a different influence that worked well in metal…mostly classical inspirations. In a way, those jam sessions were inspiring in the development of the earliest MEGADETH compositions, especially the complexity in the solos and riffs. It was a really creative and innovative period that defined some of those earliest songs for 'Killing Is My Business…' and even 'Peace Sells…'. I think the tour is going to see a lot of us reliving some cool memories from over the years."
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Tags: Megadeth
Lindsay OConnor April 22, 2017
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