Megadeth to Support the Scorpions on US Tour

Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine recently said that he was "really excited" about the opportunity to support an undisclosed band on at least one show in the U.S. later in 2017.
In a separate recent radio interview, discussed the band's touring plans:
"Believe it or not, we've got some cool things going on for the States. We've got two really great things we're gonna be doing. We'll be heading out some part of the spring or summer, and then we just were told about an opportunity at the end of the year that really, really excited me. It's somebody I've never played with before that we're actually gonna be supporting. They were so cool that we would step down from being a headliner to support this group."
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Tags: Megadeth , Scorpions, Tour
Lindsay O’Connor March 21, 2017
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