Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth, Metalica

Does this mean that lyrically Megadeth has the smartest lyrics, the best phrasing, rhyming, scansion?
No, its all a matter of taste, it just means they have the largest vocabulary of the big 4. Its a fun factoid.
Largest number of words counting only one occurrence each:
Megadeth: 4,535
Slayer: 4,136
Anthrax: 3,431
Metallica: 2,964
Largest number of unique words- occurring only once in the entire catalog:
Megadeth: 2,259
Slayer: 1,937
Metallica: 1,235
Anthrax: 1,035 was used for all word counting
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Tags: Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth, Mettalica
Jason Fisher October 19, 2016
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