Cult Of Luna - "We Are Not Quitting"

"We are not quitting. 2013 have been a very active year for us and neither do we want or think it is good to continue in that pace. We will not be a band that put out an album every 18-24 months anymore. We did that for almost 10 years when we were younger and were able to focus more on the music.
"After Beyond The Redshift we might do a festival or two but after that we have nothing planned.
Maybe we'll release another album next year or maybe in a decade, we honestly don't know. Sooner or later we will return in one form or another. Cult of Luna will not die.
"On another note, sooner or later we will go through our inbox and email. You will be answered."
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Tags: Cult Of Luna
Jason Fisher December 17, 2013
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