Dino Cazares Issues DIVINE HERESY Update

"Hello, DIVINE HERESY fans. I just wanted to give you the latest news on DIVINE HERESY. 'Cause there are a lot of rumors out there on whats going on with DIVINE HERESY. Well, only I can give you the truth.
"I have five songs written for the new CD. It's technical, brutal and melodic. Everything you would want from a DIVINE HERESY CD.
"I'm currently on tour with FEAR FACTORY for the rest of 2012 And part of 2013. When I'm off, I will complete the writing process and I will let you know who will be performing on the new CD.
"I am currently shopping for a new record company and have some surprising offers."
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Tags: Divine Heresy, dino cazares, fear factory
Jason Fisher November 10, 2012
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