Gorgoroth Interview

Infernus: Hey there. This just happened, as you know, a few days ago. At the time being all the info I have for you regarding that issue is what has already been stated on our main channel out to the media; www.gorgoroth.org. It was decided he had to go due to that he could not stand 100% behind and face our more ideological point of views in the public.
The Gauntlet.com: King ov Hell was the main songwriter, who will take over his writing duties?
Infernus: He wrote all the songs for the last album, and more or less half of the songs on the Twilight album. I did the most of the work for the five first. I am convinced we will find a solution to that problem one way or another.
The Gauntlet: Will the same themes be used in future albums or will Gorgoroth be redefined?
Infernus: We redefine ourselves every day, as what every band and every more or less self conscious and mature person should do. Within what has been defined as our limits and according to what is our more higher will.
The Gauntlet.com: What 'ideological aspects' of Gorgoroth did King have a problem with?
Infernus: At the time being I am sorry to say I cannot go into details on that.
The Gauntlet.com: Will King's leaving the band delay touring plans for the new album?
Infernus: No, but some other incidents, like that of the imprisonment of our vocalist and myself will delay it more or less a year. We expect to hit down on some of the summer festivals here in Europe next year, then doing an extensive European tour from October or so same year, stressing the eastern leg of that tour doing all from Russia and the Balkins to Romania and perhaps some other exiting destinations we so far haven't been.
The Gauntlet.com: Is there a replacement for King being talked about yet or is Gorgoroth taking things one step at a time?
Infernus: We do as always take the time we need. Right now, time is for once something we have enough of now while incapable of doing live shows and recently finished in studio for a while.
The Gauntlet.com: Could you elaborate on the name of the new album title "Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam"? It's meaning and why it was chosen to be the name of the album?
Infernus: It quite simply means "to the greatest possible honour of glorious Satan" and it slipped to mind once I was reading some article upon the Jesuit movement, the counterreformation and on Ignatius de Loyola. It just sounded good, and corresponded to what was on our mind this time. As always, releasing what we perceive as good metal music, in honor to our lord and master Satan.
The Gauntlet.com: Besides the themes of Satanism, what other themes does the new album explore?
Infernus: I do not have time to elaborate properly on that at the time being. Sorry.
The Gauntlet.com: How did you like taking over mastering duties for the album?
Infernus: Its not as I see it first and foremost a matter of liking. At least one of the members should actually be present in the mastering studio when decisions are being taken. To make communication run smoother, and to avoid too much influence from external sources unconsciously being accepted. Historically speaking this has been my job to do. Thus it makes more reason that I did it this time as well. Wouldn't be much more than a bad joke and pure stupidity to delegate the same job to each and all of the members, right?
The Gauntlet.com: Do you plan on mastering future Gorgoroth releases?
Infernus: You shouldn't be surpriced if I did.
The Gauntlet: Why was Frost used for drumming duties? His drumming is so much more intense than on Satyricon albums.
Infernus: We decided that his style suited what we were about to work upon and also it was quite simply a matter of convenience. He has always been a guy we could count upon it being when in studio or in an emergency situation as when drummers become too ill or otherwise failed to do upcoming shows. He is hardworking, analytical in his approach to work and has a clear focus, plus communication always has been good due to us being related on a more friendship based level since the beginning of the nineties.
The Gauntlet.com: Have you thought about mastering other bands as well or is it something you don't see yourself making a career out of?
Infernus: My concern is first and foremost gorgoroth. Other bands can go master their own cd's.
The Gauntlet.com: Do you find that much of the ridicule that Black Metal bands get comes from their actions and not the music?
Infernus: Of course I do. I have been in the scene for some 15-20 years by now as an active musician. Even though I more often tend to mind about my own business, I now and then read a music magazine or find some thread on an internet forum concerning topics related to the phenomena of Black Metal. Also as a human I know it's fundamental for some people to face what they do not understand with fear, and from that fear again arises this perceived need to use loads of irony, sarcasm and ridicule. Average man is not skilled to deal with the harsh implications of modern day Devil worship and of Satanism, and Black Metal should neither be for average or common people. True Black Metal represents a life code, or a mentality, in which you cannot pick out or choose whatever you find suitable for the lower needs of that particular day. It's not just another musical genre. Being a servant of Satan your moral code is not supposed to correspond with that of the flock. Thus with some of the reference points called right and wrong located on the outside of civil law, Christian ethics or call it even common sense you are perceived as a normal, criminal, perhaps even evil and dangerous. For the one who are not drowning in a complete lack of illiteracy, history seem to repeat itself. It treats subversiveness and free souls, what being perceived as adversaries and heretics with disrespect and ridicule.
The Gauntlet.com: Everyone calls you guys a controversial band, was this ever the intent of Gorgoroth or is it something people just build up in their heads to believe that you guys are indeed controversial?
Infernus: We seemingly are perceived as controversial, and this has as you probably see yourselves built up during the last years. We are aware of the subversive character of us ourselves as persons, this again transcending the psyche of the band. As a Satanist I deal with my choices in life accordingly, making me such what you might call a controversial guy.
The Gauntlet.com: You guys are releasing a live album next year to mark the band's 15th anniversary, is this something that was planned for a long time?
Infernus: 14 years more or less. We recorded two shows on two locations in Sweden last year, and our goal is to get it released as our first official live album, entitled as a matter of fact True Norwegian Black Metal, during end of next year, on Regain Records. So far we have been busy working on other issues, driving back and forth from court cases to the studio etc., so we just have to see what happens with this plan, whether we will reach our schedules releasing it in time, at all or not.
The Gauntlet.com: To you, does it feel Gorgoroth has been around for 15 years?
Infernus: yes.
The Gauntlet.com: What's next for Gorgoroth?
Infernus: Restructuring and coming up with more deadly poison, of course. I am getting pretty tired doing close to nothing thesedays, angerlevels are higher, and my hunger for harder work is stronger than it has ever been. I assume to have the band back in business within a not too long time, summer 2007 latest.
The Gauntlet.com: Why does the band request pink toilet paper on it's touring rider?
Infernus: Because it is our favorite color and that Per Gyllenb�ck at Regain told us to.
The Gauntlet: Thank you for your time Infermus and good luck.
Infernus: Thanx to you as well Dave. Sorry for having to rush through the questions, will try to put aside more time on the next occasion. Best regards!
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Tags: Gorgoroth , Infernus, interviews
Dave Huffy July 10, 2006
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