Cradle of Filth guitarist says Roadrunner Records "don't do this sort of music anymore"

"It had come to the end of the contract to be honest. They offered us a deal, but what happened was they decided to sack the two main metal guys in the company who actually signed metal bands. It turned out they said "I'm sorry we don't do this sort of music anymore." Roadrunner not doing metal anymore is like my mom showing up at a show. Towards the end of our contract, all they were concentrating on were the bands that sold albums like Nickelback. We were seriously suffering from them not paying any attention toward us. We were just like "This is ridiculous, this can't happen. This could end up ruining the band.” Peaceville came along and it's the best move we've ever made. Since we've been with them we've had three complete editions come out, we've played on MTV Germany to about 1 1/2 million people, we have this tour coming up and I've had so many interviews coming out of my ears. It's been ridiculous, I haven't had this many interviews in so many years. We never had any of this on Roadrunner."
Cradle of Filth recently released "Darkly, Darkly Venus Aversa" via Peaceville Records...who actually have nothing against metal bands.
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Tags: Cradle of Filth, Roadrunner Records, Peaceville Records, darkly darkly venus aversa
Jason Fisher November 21, 2010
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