Dani Filth issues a Cradle of Filth update

"Dear, dear FILTH-ites,
"It seems autumn is well and truly upon us, judging by the deluge of rain and sloppy leaves dancing across the manor lawn. Still, it means the album and that most joyous of occasions, Halloween, are just around the corner, barely a skeleton of a month away.
"We've been particularly busy here in the CRADLE camp in the few weeks or so, firstly with working towards the completion of all the album formats artwork-wise, and secondly, with the associated press trips and heavy phoner schedule that a new release always brings. It has been absolutely rampant, but fun, and very surreal.
"Germany was great as all the interviews the first day were conducted from the skyline bar of the hotel, affording us 180-degree views of Berlin on a warm September afternoon and a steady stream of chilled Chardonnay and thick German beer. Then the evening saw us ensconced in an Addams Family-style kitschy eatery called 'White Trash' (uncanny…) with a flock of journalists, including the near-legendary Thomas Clausen, chugging back cocktails and reminiscing on Eighties metal, as gourmet burgers and onion rings the size of your head were devoured. The next day interviews were held two doors down at the Last Cathedral bar, with its faux medieval vibe and dungeon-esque interior. Incidentally this will be the venue for the band's visit on October 29th, when we will be accompanying an official playback of our new album, following a live appearance on German MTV for our latest video, 'Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned)'.
"The following week saw Paul [Allender, guitar] and I take in Finland, France and Belgium, with a much-looked-forward-to trip to Milan being cancelled due to the bloody French air strike… still, a day off in Brussels all the more made up for our loss of temperate weather, spaghetti and tutti fruity ice-cream; getting slowly spannered outside a very posh hotel watching the paparazzi, being taken for a great Thai dinner and then winding up the evening by seeing 'The Runaways' at a cinema in English being order of the day.
"Still, there's the States to come in a few weeks with a mini launch-party attached, plus a whole heap of radio interviews and photo shoots in the meantime, from home and from inside the foul murk of London.
"Which reminds me, for all those who thought I had glitter on my face during the recording of our last video, think again, it was actually road gravel! Slightly more macho I think, a face full of grit and dirt!
"The ultimate fan edition of the album is looking really stunning, too. A couple of days ago I finished putting the 64-page booklet together with Peaceville's resident graphic artist Matt Vickerstaff, and it looks unbelievable! Aside from the huge high-quality artwork and photos littered throughout, I've written a short story of the album to accompany the lyrics, and there's plenty of nifty extras to go with it.
"And lastly, thank-you to everybody who has voted for me on the Suffolk Icons web page (Suffolk Icons), I know it's a bit of a laugh and that no-one really can compare to the grandeur of ducks or a disused Victorian swimming pool, but it is really an eye-opener for a lot of people who live in my county who have never heard of CRADLE OF FILTH or indeed crypt-crawling death-rock (lol!), or the absolute drivel spouted on the web page about me and mine. And for of all out there in the great cosmic beyond who haven't voted for me yet, I hereby promise that if I become Major of Ipswich, England, I'm turning it into Halloween Town and you're all welcome to visit! So there, vote!
"And so, my ennobled peers, I guess that's all I have for now. Look out for another taster from the album come Wednesday, a new, fully operational website on the near horizon, plus all the readable interviews that should surface following our intrepid voyages abroad."
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Tags: Cradle of Filth, Peaceville Records, Dani Filth
Jason Fisher October 03, 2010
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