Abysmal Dawn issues studio update

ABYSMAL DAWN's Charles Elliot issued the following update: "We recently wrapped up recording drums at Trench Studios and the final product is incredible! I think we really got some amazing tones this time and Scott delivered an amazing over the top drum performance. Our music has definitely become more demanding technically and Scott really stepped things up in the drum department. We really wanted to get a natural drum sound so the guys in RECIPROCAL were kind enough to let us rent their top of the line Pearl kit from them. Thanks a lot guys!
Right now I'm currently laying down all the rhythm guitar tracks with Mike Bear (ARTISAN, ex-PROTOTYPE) at Artisan Road Studios in Encino, CA. For those of you that are keeping track, Mike played bass on our first album "From Ashes” and played a few shows locally with us in the early days. I've known Mike since our bands first played together with DEATH at the Whiskey in '98 while I was still in high school. We became friends soon after and he even filled in on bass for my old band INHUMAN VISIONS back then. Recording my guitar tracks with him has been a true pleasure and his attention to detail is impeccable. Mike Cosio also started tracking bass with him recently and his know-how of the instrument has really helped Mike's performance shine. Can't wait to send everything to Erik Rutan to put the finishing touches on things. This will be the tightest and best ABYSMAL DAWN record yet!”
Additional recording / album details will be made available shortly. Audio samples and video from the band's Programmed To Consume album can be viewed online now via the ABYSMAL DAWN MySpace page: Myspace.com/AbysmalDawn.
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Tags: Abysmal Dawn, Programmed To Consume, Erik Rutan, Trench Studios
Jason Fisher May 25, 2010
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