The band will be brutalizing Burt's Tiki Lounge tonight in Salt Lake City, Utah and play two more shows before heading home where they will continue plotting their next full-length entitled Vivid Enterpretations Of The Void. The follow-up to 2007's Fear Of Reality Exceeds Fantasy is based on the "Reptilian Agenda," a theory popularized by controversial English writer/public speaker David Icke. At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood created and controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian. Commented Spence, "The new songs have a heavy reptilian theme and crush our previous releases into the ground. Expect fast grinding drums and enough technicality to rip your face off. This release would be best received by fans of early Cryptopsy, Cephalic Carnage, and Spawn Of Possession." Check out "Militarized Reptoids" and "Darken Thy Fluids" on the band's official MySpace Page: http://www.myspace.com/embryonicdevourment.
In addition, ENBRYONIC DEVOURMENT will be making appearances at Slugfest III and the Las Vegas and Central Illinois Metalfests in July. Crush, crush, kill, kill.
4/21/2010 Burt's Tiki Lounge - Salt Lake City, UT w/ Sepsism
4/22/2010 The Red Room - Boise, ID w/ Sepsism
4/23/2010 Yazzi's Bar & Grill - Troutdale, OR w/ Sepsism
5/22/2010 Modesto Virtual - Modesto, CA
7/10/2010 Slugfest III @ The Workshop - Ceres, CA
7/16/2010 Las Vegas Death Fest - Las Vegas, NV
7/17/2010 Las Vegas Death Fest - Las Vegas, NV
7/23/2010 Central Illinois Metal Fest @ The Canopy Club - Urbana, IA
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Tags: EMBRYONIC DEVOURMENT, grindcore, Sepsism, Vivid Enterpretations Of The Void
jason fisher April 21, 2010
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