Skinlab cancels tour

"Hey Metal Heads,
I went to the hospital last night after dealing with chest and lung pains for the last 2 weeks on tour. I thought it was just a cold and something that would pass but before the show in ....Herkamir.., ..NJ....I decided to take myself to the Cooperstown Emergency Room.
"I was told my condition was a severe lung infection that my body has not been able to fight, due to the tour schedule we've been dealing with and the nonstop lifestyle thatI live just trying to make things happen for the band and so I can tour.
"Bottom line is the doctors have told me I've pushed myselfto the limit and was lucky enough to get treatment before this turned into full blown Pneumonia. Having been told that I am completely bummed to announce that we are going to be canceling the remaining dates on the Sons of a Sik World tour.
"This is the first tour that I have personally cancelled due to any weakness and feel it's best as I am just not representing Skinlab to its fullest.
With the dates currently being considered for make up , we will keep everyone informed of our tour schedule and future plans as were all on our way home to rest up.
"Huge thanks to our new metal brothers in Darksun, Sik World Clothing for sponsoring the tour, and all the promoters and fans who have stood by us!
We will be launching a new contest with Revolver Magazine and a prize pack from Peavey this month, so watch out for that,and we will be adding new merch designs to our online store."
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Tags: Skinlab, Steev Esquivel, sick
admin October 04, 2009
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