Swashbuckle announces UK shows

"After we pirates three finish kicking all of your asses on Paganfest Europe '09 we shall chart a course for the United Kingdom for a series of headlining shows! There will be drinking! There will be thrashing! There will be debauchery in all possible senses of the word! We might even steal Big Ben. It would look great on our ship..."
Swashbuckle's debut album Back To The Noose was released July 27th. You can catch the Thrash Mad Pirates at the following shows:
4 - London, UK - Underworld
5 - Civic, UK - Wolves Bar
6 - Manchester, UK - Roadhouse
7 - Glasgow, UK - ABC 2
Tickets: £10 London and £8 regional. Visit www.gigsandtours.com or call 0871 2200 260.
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Tags: Swashbuckle, pirate metal, tour
admin August 20, 2009
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