Gorgoroth mainman Infernus comments to The Gauntlet on replacing former members from back catalog

Last week, Pest completed the 'updating' of the Gaahl's vocals from Gorgoroth's
True Norwegian Black Metal. Due to ongoing legal disputes between Gaahl and King ov Hell and Infernus, it was decided in order to get the album released without any further delay they would have to replace Gaahl's vocals among other things. "We did replace the vocals on the already released material," stated Infernus "and on some of the other material we originally recorded as well. [We have] not made any decision on what to use if/when a re-release will be done. But we are having a rather high work capacity now, and since Pest already knew more or less all the tracks fairly good - it is after all mostly material which he appeared on originally - it did not take us too much of an effort to replace all the released material and some extra as well. More or less all was done as a first take and it was thus just a matter of hours before we had achieved what we wanted. He is both high in spirits and easy to work with, and it has always been like that. I decided to do this between the recording of vocals for the upcoming Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt. Both the studios, Threeman Recording and Monolith are located more or less in the same area outside Stockholm, so it was a rather convenient and an easy procedure to get this done."
At this time, Infernus isn't revealing details on plans to replace Gaahl and King ov Hell from Gorgoroth's previous albums that Pest wasn't involved with. "So far it is, there will be a time for letting that be known. And where it then would be made clear, is on the official website of the band,
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Tags: Gorgoroth, Infernus, Pest, black metal, gaahl
admin July 06, 2009
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