Goatwhore frontman states involvement with Suicide War was "blown out of proportion"

The Gauntlet recently caught up with Goatwhore frontman, Ben Falgoust, and asked him about taking on vocal duties in Suicide War. "With the internet, it got blown out of proportion. They are friends of mine and asked if I'd fill in and kind of help out with their demo CD. I told them I have a really fucking busy schedule and I don't know when I can do this but I don't mind lending a hand. From there, I am on the road and there is a press release. They just ran with it. I said I could help out, but I didn't know when I could help out. They are posting songs and I didn't even do anything yet. I said maybe in August but I don't even know what my time is like there. To me, this is one of those things that was blown out of proportion. If you look at it, I have a lot of shit already going on. How am I going to finagle that into the whole picture as well. Right now, Goatwhore is the main priority and I have a lot of touring coming up. I have a lot of stuff going on. When I was talking to them, I told them I didn't want this to be blown out of proportion which it already has. I already work two bands and have a job when I am back home. It is not like it is the easiest adventure. I have these two bands balanced out right, adding a third one with be hard. I will do the vocals, but it has to be on my terms. They took that and ran with it and of course it ran like a wildfire. With Goatwhore, we want to tour as much as we did with
A Haunting Curse."
Goatwhore recently released
Carving Out the Eyes of God and is currently on tour with Abigail Williams and Abysmal Dawn. You can win tickets
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Tags: Goatwhore, Suicide War, Ben Falgoust, Carving Out the Eyes of God
jason July 01, 2009
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