heavy metal

Goatwhore frontman Ben Falgoust comments on Michael Jackson "Death is inevitable. Move on."

Goatwhore The Gauntlet spoke with Goatwhore and Solient Green frontman today and when the topic of Michael Jackson's death came up, Ben had the following to say "Death is inevitable. Move on. I think if it was Angus Young I'd be fucking tripping out. Or maybe someone from Priest. It is what it is. I kind of get aggravated when they make such a big deal about it. Do you make a big deal when average Joe dies? Yes, he made Thriller which was the highest grossing album of all time. He is just another person, death is inevitable in everyone's life. Maybe if it was your closest friends or family. Where are your values at?" To read the rest of his response on Michael Jackson, click here

Goatwhore is currently on the Conquer and Curse Tour with Abigail Williams in support of their new alvum Carving Out the Eyes of God. The Gauntlet is giving away free tickets, here.

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Tags:  GoatwhoreBen FalgoustMetal BladeCarving Out the Eyes of GodMichael Jackson

    June 26, 2009

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