Photos for Marta (NSFW)

Marta I hope yu get this. I saw you perform last year in New York and can't get over your beaty. You brought to my cold empty heart my reeson to live and to love with a passion only you could bring. Your words of acceptance and love have claimed the aching in my empty heart and now I am at peace with myself and the world around me. Please write back.
Now, I am getting a good laugh, then i open one of 3 pictures and it hits me.

Please, before you send me something to forward to a band, please check their myspace pages and don't send unsolicited naked photos of yourself through email. And if Marta reads this and you want the rest of the pictures, please contact me.
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Tags: Bleeding Through, naked, sick, eye bleach, Marta
admin April 20, 2009
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