Top 10 Bands With Names From Locations in JRR Tolkiens Middle Earth

Doriath is the realm of the Sindar, the Grey Elves of King Thingol in Beleriand. It is also the name of a progressive metal band from the Czech Republic.
The Gates of Argonath was a landmark on the Northern edge of Gondor. Also the name of a black metal band from the United Kingdom.
Avathar was the dark strip of land at the bottom of the mountains in Aman. It is also the name of a thrash metal band from Ecuador.
A huge fortress at the southern tip of the Misty Mountains. Several bands have taken this as their band name.
Mordor is where Sauron is from. It is also the location Sam and Frodo went to destroy the One Ring. Several bands have taken on the name Mordor.
Aglarond was one of the two fortresses built by Gondor guarding the Fords of Isen, Angrenost.Lungorthin
Cirith Ungol
It was a high pass in the land of Mordor where the monster known as Shelob lurked. The band is now split-up, but was a doom metal band on Metal Blade Records.
Ephel Duath
The Ephel Dúath, or Mountains of Shadow, were a range of mountains that guarded Mordor's western and southern borders. An Italian progressive-jazz metal band on Earache Records.
Gorgoroth is a plateau in north-western Mordor in the midst of which stood Mount Doom. Highly controversial Norwegian black metal band on Regain Records.
Amon Amarth
Amon Amarth was the flaming mountain in northern Mordor where Sauron forged the One Ring. Amon Amarth is also the name of a death metal band on Metal Blade Records.
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Tags: top 10, JRR Tolkien, Tolkien, Gorgoroth, Amon Amarth
jason fisher April 17, 2009
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