Black Tide Bassist Recaps 2008

1. Did you have any 'Spinal Tap' moments this year?
I think the closest to a "Spinal Tap" moment that I had this year was when we were in Birmingham, England, and our dressing room was a 15 minute walk to the stage that could potentially get us lost. I couldn't help but scream "Hello Cleveland" on the way to the stage.
2. What were some of your favorite releases from 2008?
My favorite albums that came out this year are Guns'N'Roses new record, and probably the new Slipknot record. There wasn't anything that came out this year that really moved me.
3. New Year's resolution?
My new year's resolution is to stay healthy and not get arrested for doing something incredibly stupid.
4. Plans for the holidays?
No plans for the holidays, I'm just gonna sit around my home and watch t.v. to pass the time. I'm not really motivated to get off the couch because I have been away from it for so long.
5. What's on your ipod?
6. What was the craziest fan you encountered? What made him/her so crazy?
I wouldn't really consider this fan crazy, but this one guy in Southampton, England brings me subway sandwiches everytime he sees me. It's just weird but it's great to get a free meal.
7. If you could bring back one musician from the grave for a day, who and why?
I would love to bring Jim Morrison back from the grave, i wanna just get wasted with him and go fucking crazy.
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Tags: Black Tide, Zakk Sandler, recap, end of year, Jim Morrison
admin December 21, 2008
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