Black Tide guitarist recaps 2008

1. Did you have any ʽSpinal Tapʼ moments this year?
Ha yeah it was at Birmingham Acadamy on the last tour for BFMV's Scream, Aim, and Fire tour, we had to go through like 18 doors to get from the stage to our dressing room.
2. What were some of your favorite releases from 2008?
I really like, Bleeding Through's Declaration, Airbourne's Running Wild, Slipknot's All Hope is Gone, Metallica's Death Magnetic, and AC/DC's Black Ice.
3. New Yearʼs resolution?
Play harder.
4. Plans for the holidays?
Eat alot of food!
5. Whatʼs on your ipod?
I don't own an iPod but if I did, there would be tons of music, just to give you a taste, The Cranberries, Suicide Silence, The Red Chord, Minor Threat, Caustic Christ, Aus-Rotten, Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, AC/DC, Sergie Prokofiev, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, Shostakovich, Warbringer, Hank Williams sr and the III, Jerry Reed, Municipal Waste, Airbourne......And there is a TON more.
6. What was the craziest fan you encountered? What made him/her so crazy?
This one girl on Mayhem fest, I forget what state it was but, she was weird, she handed me a bottle cap and told me to put it in my mouth and spit it out so she can have my germs.
7. If you could bring back one musician from the grave for a day, who and why?
It would probably be Dimebag Darrell, because he was one of the ppl I never got to meet and will not get to, but I'm pretty sure that would have been one of the best experiences ever, next to aliens attacking planet earth......
Black Tide will continue touring through 2009 and has just announced new tour dates
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Tags: end of year, recap, black tide, austin diaz
jason December 11, 2008
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