Infernus files another lawsuit against King ov Hell for Gorgoroth name

"Infernus filed a lawsuit against King ov Hell [real name: Tom Cato Visnes] in September this year, on the basis of King ov Hell (the sixth bass player in GORGOROTH's history) going behind Infernus' back in September 2007, secretly applying for trademark protection of the bandname and logo of GORGOROTH, which Infernus started using in 1992. The court case has now finally been scheduled. It will take place in Oslo, Norway, in the last week of January 2009. As soon as the court has made its decision, further information will be found at
"It is also with great pleasure that it can be announced that Infernus' new GORGOROTH line-up has been completed. The identity of the vocalist, which may not come as a surprise to some, will be revealed in a few days. Hail Satan!"
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Tags: Gaahl, infernus, King ov Hell, Gorgoroth, Norway
jason December 01, 2008
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