Gorgoroth cancels tour dates

"Due to GORGOROTH's recording schedule, the previously announced live dates have been revised. Dates lost will be rescheduled for next year."
The band's schedule is as follows:
Sep. 05 - Nuevo Aloha Disco - Tijuana, MEX
Sep. 06 - Heavy Metal Circus Expo – Mexico City, MEX
Oct. 10 - Motstøy Festival - Notodden, NOR
Oct. 16 - John Dee - Oslo, NOR
Oct. 17 - Folken - Stavenger, NOR
Oct. 18 - [to be announced] - Moscow, RUS
Oct. 19 - [to be announced] - St Petersburg, RUS
Oct. 21 - Hella - Tampere, FIN
Oct. 22 - Travastia - Helsinki, FIN
Nov. 21 - The Button Factory - Dublin, IRE
Nov. 22 - An Cuiscin - Cork, IRE
Nov. 23 - The Limelight - Belfast, IRE
Nov. 25 - Ivory Black - Glasgow, UK
Nov. 26 - Rock City - Nottingham, UK
Nov. 27 - White Rabbit - Plymouth, UK
Nov. 28 - Academy - Manchester, UK
Nov. 29 - The Asylum - Birmingham, UK
GORGOROTH will enter the studio in its hometown of Bergen, Norway on August 25.
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Tags: Gaahl, Gorgoroth, black metal, Norway
jason August 23, 2008
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