Divine Heresy continues new singer search

There has been much speculation as of late to the status of Divine Heresy's lead singer situation after their last tour, and the band is now going back to the drawing board to explore more options. If you are interested in trying out for the position, you need to go to the group's
MySpace page to download some instrumental tracks. You will need to record your vocals on them and submit them back to Divineheresyband@AOL.com along with a bio, any possible photos and contact info. Vocal tracks should be as organic as possible. No autotune or vocal effects, excessive reverb, etc.
Divine Heresy recently completed a very successful run as part of the "Tyranny and Bloodshred Tour," and will now spend the summer months writing material for their much anticipated, sophomore release. However, the group does plan on playing a few dates in Mexico and South America this August.
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Tags: Divine Heresy, Tyranny and Bloodshred Tour, South America, Mexico
jason July 11, 2008
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