heavy metal

Heavy Metal Quilting

Ben Venom, the heavy metal quiltist (...or is it quilter???) will be debuting his 13 foot by fifteen foot quilt. This isn't the quilt your grandma made for you either. Mr. Venom (I don't believe that's his real last name either) took over 125 heavy metal t-shirts and turned them into a huge quilt. The quilt titled "See you on the other side" will be on display on July 8th at Bay Area Now 6 Opening Night party.

Venom’s work has long been rife with contradictions and he has been smashing opposing concepts together for a long time. Case in point, his recent body of work has been quilted textiles, often considered “women’s work,” yet they’ve been made with graphically aggressive (and highly masculine) Heavy Metal T-shirts. In other words, not your grandma’s sewing circle.

For more info and photos, click here

heavy metal quilt

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Tags:  quiltben venom   

    July 06, 2011

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